Showing posts with label Donation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donation. Show all posts

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Blood Donation - Do's and Dont's

You can donate blood if


•             you are between age group of 18-60 years

•             your weight is 45 kgs or more

•             your haemoglobin is 12.5 gm% minimum

•             Your last blood donation was 3 months earlier

•             you are healthy and have not suffered from malaria, typhoid or other transmissible disease in the recent past

•             you have eaten a low fat healthy diet few hours before donating blood


Do not donate blood if you have any of the following conditions:


•             cold / fever in the past 1 week

•             under treatment with antibiotics or any other medication

•             major surgery in the last 6 months

•             taken any vaccination in the last 24 hours

•             had a miscarriage in the last 6 months or have been pregnant / lactating in the last one year

•             had fainting attacks during last donation

•             have regularly received treatment with blood products

•             shared a needle to inject drugs/ have history of drug addiction

•             consumed alcohol in the last 24 hours

•             suffered dengue, chicken pox or typhoid in the last 2 years

•             Taken any allergy medicine in last 2-4 weeks
